Thursday, June 20, 2024

Let me introduce myself...

My name is Erin Elizabeth. I always liked the Elizabeth better than the Erin. Something about it sounds more whimsical and romantic, more beautiful and elegant than short more modern "Erin." I stand a mere 5 foot 6 inches, a foot shorter than my husband. We have 7 children ~ 6 of which are boys. Their ages range from 21 to 10. If I am being quite honest I very much miss when they were 12 to 1 years of age. I miss having them home around me all the day. I homeschool them all until they reach 7th grade then they go to "real school" so they can play basketball for the middle school team. Basketball is built into the anatomy of our home. We love Jesus, others, and basketball. I will lose two students from my homeschool to "real school" this year, and I would be lying if I told you that I wasn't sad about it. I will have just my little 10 year old Zekey at home.I'm not sure what it will be like to have one child at home all day. Being the introvert that I am, I think a small part of me will love the quiet one on one nature of it. More about my family... I am biased, but God has blessed me with the finest of the fine young men. They are true gentlemen, reaspectful, kind, humble, and mannerly. They are far from perfect, but they are some of the nicest young men I have ever known. And, my girl, well, she is nothing like her mama. She is smart and confident. She is brave and honest and bold. I'm so proud of her. My oldest two boys play basketball together at a D-3 university an hour and a half from our home. My next two boys play basketball for the local high school team. Then, my next two, a boy and a girl will play middle school basketball this year. Then, good old Zeke will play on his Daddy's travel basketball team. I have always been a thinker, a dreamer. I'd rather think and plan and watch then live and do. I feel a bit like maybe God told me to write, so here I am writing aimlessly in obedience. I love words and thoughts and feelings. We live on 7 acres just outside of town. I love nature. We have a nature trail that we formed through the woods and walking it brings me great joy. We live in the deep south. It gets cold enough to snow (some winters) and hot enough to oppress you. The combination of heat and humidity makes for a terribly uncomfortable summer ~ even for people like me who enjoy being outside. Thankfully, I am extremely cold natured and bear it better than most. I love my life. I love where I live. I love my family. And, I'm looking forward to journaling here. I am sure most of it will be remincising about the good old days when I had all my children home. I am in the process of letting my children like little birds one by one take off from the nest. I can no longer protect and hold them close. Not that I ever really had power to protect them. They have always been in God's hands. So long for now.I will be back very soon.

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