Saturday, November 4, 2023

Sunrise & Sunset

I am in my late 40's, and for some reason this age has made me so reflective. There is nothing I have loved more than raising my large family. I loved the goldfish and cheerio stage of life, but somehow I woke up a few years ago and those days were gone... I love autumn, and I always notice that first day with a cool breeze. I always think the same thing, "the winds of change are here." And, that is how I feel about the days I am presently living in. The winds of change are blowing ~ cool, soft, and slow. Two years ago my oldest son was a senior, then the very next year another son graduated... An older mom remarked once on my young stairstep children... She said, "As fast as they came into your home one after the other, they will leave your home one after the other..." I remember it making me sad when she said it, but it seemed so distant, and yet here I am watching them leave. Buckle up, here we go. Like it or not, life moves on.

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